General News – February 17, 2021

Comrod about to land on Mars…

Mars perseverence is due to land on the 18th February 2021.

After a near 300 million mile journey, Perseverance is about to enter it’s most critical phase, landing on Mars.  The landing is due to take place at 3:55 p.m. EST (21:55 central Eurpoean).  You can watch the landing here: (opens new window).

Below is a short video showing the landing sequence.

Underneath the Perseverance rover is a unique piece of technology from Norway — a Comrod antenna.  This forms part of the RIMFAX ground penetrating radar, developed by the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) together with Norwegian industry.

RIMFAX provides centimeter scale resolution of the geologic structure, allowing scientists to search for evidence of past life deep underneath the Mars surface.  After the rover touches down in February 2021, the Comrod antenna will be hard at work helping NASA discover the secrets of the red planet.

About Comrod Communication Group
Comrod Communication AS is a leading international manufacturer of antennas, control systems, masts and power supplies for defence and commercial markets.

For further information please contact:
Phone: +47 5174 0500

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