Commercial & Marine Antennas
Exceptional performance in a demanding environment
Comrod is a world leader in the design and manufacture of marine antennas. All products are designed and manufactured to maintain exceptional performance while withstanding the rigours of the marine environment. Antennas are available covering the HF, maritime VHF, Cellular & Wireless LAN frequency bands. Multi-band antennas are also available covering combinations of frequency bands.
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Commercial Shipping
Commercial shipping worldwide uses Comrod marine antennas to ensure reliable communications in some of the most hostile environments on earth. The antenna range covers HF (GMDSS), Radio Beacon, marine VHF, UHF, WLAN and LTE, as well as many multi-band antennas. All antennas are designed and manufactured to the highest specifications expected by professional users.

Leisure Craft
Comrod has been designing and manufacturing marine antennas since the early 1960’s. Antennas are available covering the HF, marine VHF, UHF, WLAN and LTE bands, as well as many multi-band options. The Comrod range of marine antennas are perfectly suited to leisure craft of all sizes from small RIBs to the largest yachts and motor boats. All Comrod marine antennas are fully foamed internally to protect the antenna components from the hostile environment in which they operate. Antennas are then finished with a beautiful lacquered surface finish.